
Been quite some time..

.. since I've written anything here. Guess I've been fairly happy throughout these past few months. But there surely is a reaason, an unhappy reason, why I'm writing a post now.

I've just finished going to a Volleyball match that didn't happen which will be moved to Friday. I was contemplating on not going, then going since I couldn't let anybody down but what the heck, it's just a game anyways and 10 years from now nobody will remember that I didn't attend the match. So I've decided to not go. Whatever.

And somebody made me realised that maybe my un-boyfriendless-ness is due to my own doings. Maybe I should put abit of confidence in myself like I have put in others. I shall from now on think like the people around me who thinks I am the bomb. Because I am the bomb, am I right ?! Right ! Really ...? Still not sure here, but I must try. Like my mum says, it's good to have guy friends now. I shouldn't be thinking that all the good ones will have someone by the time I'm ready to commit (where in the official and standard answer is mid-uni years till working years), I should be thinking all the good ones and the right ones for me will wait for me. And he is gonna be somewhere out there, alone and single;waiting for specifically me, just as God intended. Insyaallah.

In other news, I would like to spend my holidays very relaxed in a do nothing fashion. So I would like to keep my outings to the bare minimum. Either keep it to the minimum or we just do relaxing stuff like lepak at eah others houses while wearing sweatpants and stalking people on Facebook and watching endless movies. That'll be great fun. I feel like I'm getting older; more boring. The younger me would probably try to go out to shopping malls and such but I guess that time has pass and I now enjoy watching shows online in the comfort of my air-conditioned room. (BUT NOT ALL THE TIME READER, I PROMISE) But I would quite fancy a night out. To party, to dance, to meet people. I can't bloody wait for Prom Night now. Can somebody pick up the pace ? Prefect dinner on the 1st of July. Can't wait for that too.

It's better that we don't really have a tradition of getting dates. It'll be awkward as well as heart-breaking if you didn't get a proposal. Yeah, that's what they're calling them now. Promposal. Lots of elaborate ones, but if it does happen (A miracle I tell you) simple and sweet would do the trick. I would just burst into tears really. Because no guy has ever done that. Sounds pathetic, cannot ! #WomenPower

That's all for now. Good to have a place to say all this. Bye, till next time. /heart