
The Past Year; New Year

I'm not really into the New Year spirit, it hasn't been a big celebration since I think 2 years ago. Today I just sat at home doing nothing and watched Ombak Rindu. God. The most horrible movie ever.

I hated the fade in/fade out transition that was poorly and overly used. So fucking amateurish. I like fade in/fade out when it's brilliantly used. UGH UGH UGH Bad script, bad story arch. Good actors though but just lousy lousy script and directing.

Okay, not a way to end the year with a big bang I guess. We're going to go eat at a Mamak. On New Years Eve. This sounds pathetic.

So what have this past year taught me ? I can't remember much to be honest because, well, my memory is meh at best. But there are things that I hope and wish for the New Year thats coming quite too soon.

Friends. I hope you'll be there for me, because Insyallah I will. I hope it'll be a smooth ride, some people say you need bumps in your life but is it really that necessary ? To fight and shit ? I don't know, maybe it does make the bond stronger but I don't believe in it. I'm weird that way. Or maybe I'm just too hopeful.

I guess what I want to say is I hope you guys won't go ape shit on me because I won't go ape shit on you.

My mom thought knocked up is when a man hit a woman. I was appalled that she didn't know the meaning of the slang of this generation. We are going to be some weird grandparents some day.

I've lost touch with the make-sentimental-New-Year's-post self but I hop this will do. :)


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