
Regret ... Maybe ?

I feel a bit regretful in the sense that I didn't embrace the teenage culture that has been long associated with teenagers. I.E Sweet Sixteen party, a boyfriend etc. etc.

A bit. A bit.

I know his relationship is going to go onto the next level of stable when he will change his "I'm Married To..." status on Facebook from his best friend to his girlfriend. That will be the time when that voice in my brain will shout (with a particularly deep voice) GAME OVER.

Why all of a sudden these feelings ...? I don't even know him. It's been WOAH 5 years ? Is he going to be another H ? Unrecruited feelings but my heart still flutters everytime I see him ?


Why does he have to look more handsome every time I see him SIGH I don't even know him.

This is exactly like H. What have I done with myself.

I shall retreat bye. REGRET REGRET (Over what also I don't know)

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