
Blue Moon totally pwned New Moon

I am craving Shaiddan's lasagna.  Why can't I manifest it now? Rasa je nak jalan ke Giant and buy all the stuff and buat sendiri, tapi since ada Secret Recipe kat situ baik beli je lasagna dia. haha. Tengah baca Blue Moon, baru je habis Evermore (courtesy of Shaiddan) and I'm liking it.

Here's my 4 top reasons why Alyson Noel's The Immortal Series pwns Stephenie Meyer's The Twilight Saga :

1.   I would rather have Damen Auguste as my boyfriend rather than Edward Cullen now.
Why? Here's why. Damen makes me feel warm, tingly and comfortable when he's near me and when he touches me. He's patient and mysterious and flirty and filthy rich. He is unbearably gorgeous, the epitome of tall, dark and handsome. He teaches me how to use my powers and not leave me. He saves me when an evil bitch who stalks him for 600 years wants to eliminate the competition (me) and not just let some werewolve save me instead.
Edward however, eventhough he is The Most Beautiful Man On Earth would make me feel that there is nothing else in the world but him and my life should revolve around him. I will not have an ambition to be anything, except his one true love. He goes away to protect me (?) and really really wants to suck my blood but refrains himself (??). When we make love, we smash our beds headboard and he makes me pregnant with a half human, half vampire child in which, when I want to give birth to it, it tries to rip me apart.

2.   Its better being an immortal than being a vampire.
If you become a vampire you will sparkle in the sunlight which makes it harder for me to go out in the day because I live in Malaysia, it's sunny all year-round. I have to drink blood. Yes tis true that I can drink animal blood but according to Edward it tastes like Tofu and I do not like tofu.
If you become an immortal however, you can manifest things (meaning you can make things appear out of thin air only using your mind) you can go to Summerland which is this incredible place where you can manifest anything (even Orlando Bloom) , you will have premonition (meaning you can go and bet on something and win money or if you think someone might be dying you can save them, eitherway) , you can hear people's thoughts and auras (which is pretty migraine-y but if you train yourself, it can be very useful) and you will have a boyfriend that will teach you everything you need to know and will not abandon you.

3.   When my mum reads Eclipse dia tertidur, like twice. When a person reads Evermore you will read until the light of dawn.

4. Blue Moon ada Naruto reference (chakra anyone?) which , in itself totally firejutsu-ed New Moon.

I am freaking pissed because Astro Prima edited out the scene where Fredo kissed Dyesebel and didn't put in subtitles after the kiss that they cut out. BITCHES. And the fact that I am uber-confused right now sebab Lucia's memory is in a balang and she is Fredo's mother and supposedly Dyesebel's mother, so does that mean that Dyesebel and Fredo are siblings? Are they doing incest? GAH I need to buy the DVD and watch the whole damn thing from the start.
Can you believe that Disney is no longer distributing Beauty & The Beast DVD. They've discontinued it until it is re-released. Such kebabian. I pegi Pelita nak makan and I think I saw Miriam. Looks like her. Hmm, tapi entahla.

I watched Zombieland and I'll probably give it a solid 7/10. My mum kata New Moon lagi best, well I'd probably say so but I just can't bear the lovey dovey parts. And the lovey dovey parts take like 2/3 of the movie. Go figure. Avatar best. Eventhough I'm suppose to boycott it (because some people just decided to be douchebags and say yang Percy Jackson akan flop and Avatar akan well, tak flop. A-holes) but I can't help myself. The hero is hot and the Avatar blue people are naked so .. HAHA. The visual effects are spectacular but I'd pick to watch Zombieland again. Or Forrest Gump, either way.

When I got back home, I went to IMDB and search Sam Worthington and found out he plays Perseues in 'Clash of The Titans' and I screamed and shouted "WHY GOD ARE YOU SO CRUEL TO ME?!"


I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO NOW CIBAI. I should probably read Sejarah or something. PMR tahun depan ni, haih. One of my father's friend punye wife cakap "PMR tahun depan eh? Belajar la dari sekarang." pastu fake smiley face. Aku tahu la anak ko dapat 5A UPSR, bermegah-megah cakap masa makan. Ewah2, nak cakap macam tu kat aku. Ingat aku tak dapat 5A ke masa dulu. Memang la aku tak pegi asrama kan, anak ko nak pegi. I tak pegi asrama bukannya bermaksud I bodoh. Tolong sikit eh,  orang yang pegi asrama tu bukannya semua baik ok? My business is none of your beeswax.

P.S YAY My sister dah berhenti main Crash. Now I can watch Talentime.


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