
Fuck Speedy

I went there to find Dyesebel the series DVD and the guy ada nerve tak nak layan me. Sori beb, you've barked on the wrong tree. I buat muka menacing and just stood there eventhough he said "DVD box set ada belah sana dik." I don't fucken care how much your majikan pay you and i don't care if you get a miniscule gaji. I am the friggin customer, I am always right asshole.
Nak mintak tolong sikit je pon tak boleh ke? Dah la ko sorang je yang in sight. Bukan ke sepatutnye at least ada dua orang yang on duty. Oh apa, yang lagi sorang tu merayau? Oh, kesian nye dia kena ditch :( Tengok muka aku ni, nampak macam aku kisah sangat ke. Learn from MPH people. Huh, probably MPH pays more. Probably MPH mintak diploma kot. Suck my dick bitches (metaphor)


I am more excited for Avatar : The Last Airbender (the Avatar is silent btw) than Avatar coz well I'm a nerd like that. So sue me. Also, orang yang main dalam Slumdog Millionaire tu ada so no worries naik lorries. ha ha

I also don't recommend you to go watch The Treasure Hunter (yes, walaupun ada Jay Chou) sebab theres no ending. Theres literally no ending. I'm not super pissed about it but I'm fairly pissed. I was imagining Jay Chou finally kissing the girl at the end but there was some 'we are from different worlds, we cannot possibly be together' crapzoid.
HELLO tak pernah dengar Avatar ke? The girl was a friggin  8 foot blue alien-giant thing and the guy was a puny little worthless (but very,very fiiine) human and still they made the relationship happen. My advice to you Jay Chou is to just go to the Eywa tree and make love with yer grrl in front of it.

Okay, I am starting to make references to this movie. snap. out. of. it. It's the same with TikTok-Ke$ha. So annoying yet I know all the words to it by heart, and no, it's not because it was catchy. -__-" And the dollar sign in her name is also double the annoying. But I do give her street cred for sounding like Katy Perry in Right Round. Kudos Ke$ha.

One more thing, Legion is the one of the most stupidest movies of all time. The plotline is about God trying to destroy the human race or bring the apocalypse or wtv because we are too much, he can't friggin bear with us anymore. So instead of redha dengan keputusan-Nya , an angel decides to 'save' us by helping us defeat God's army of angels who are sent here to destroy us worthless beings.


how the fuck can you defy God ?! He friggin created us dammit, he can do whatever he wants with us dammit. He's GOD for goodness sakes. He's like the alpha dog, numero uno, the MAN.


Would really love to call my daughters Nimueh and Magdalena.

 Nimueh - An evil and powerful enchantress who wrecks havoc in King Arthur's life, Merlin's life and basically everyones life. She refuses to think she is evil. Always thinking that what she did was fate. If you ever think that, you are most likely to be wrong most of the time. Since she is so powerful, she can look like anything or whomever she wants to. Which is wicked awesome. Pardon the pun.

Magdalena - A pyschic hippie chick that excels in school yet maintaining her unnatarul ability to see ghosts and a hot geekish boyfriend. Is organized and has short,black hair. Almost always looks gorgeous and well put. Has a cool grandmother who's the same as her. Keeps everyone around her safe. Plays by the rules and often never breaks them. Is on curfew.

Probably my first child would be called Magdalena because of obvious reasons. Example me. ha ha Fail I know homies, i know. And my second would be Nimueh. Coz theres like a gajellion different cool nicknames you can get out of Nimueh. And her stands for bitch so, yeah. I wouldn't even have to call her bitch when she sneaks out of the house to go to a party or pegi elope dengan boyfie dia, I'll just call her by her name. ha ha ha ha I am a great mother-to-be aren't I?
My future daughters would hate me for their names. Heh mana aku nak kisah I'm their mother. How can they defy me ?! How dare they ?! ha ha ha


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