
Hello Cheerio

Don't you hate that part of making a blog. Remember that part yang you have to introduce yourself and say the purpose of your blog and blablabla.

Yeah, we'll just skip that part. We go right to blogging. kay?
Love you.


Everyone likes the holidays. Siapa tak kan? You can do anything you want, anytime you want. Period.

But then you don't get to see people on a regular basis ya' know because you don't have school the next day or in the next week and you tak tahu apa yang terjadi dengan these people who you call friends. And I really hate it when a person tak reply your sms, tak jawab your call, tak IM you back when you KNOW FER SURE they're on


it's the holidays and you tak boleh face-to-face with that person and say stuff like, "Hey kenape ni?" or more straightforward stuff like " APA HAL DENGAN KO NI AH MOFOCIBAI?"


Another thing, why I hate the holidays is because, if you are like me and you like your
vacation time = relaxing time and no partyparty.
Just either hangout with friends dekat tempat yang tak banyak orang dan tak heppening seperti Subang Parade OR chillout je dekat rumah you or rumah kawan you and do a Movie Marathon.

And so you disconnect with the rest of the world except your bestfriends or people that you don't need any effort to be friends with.
And if you are like me, who cares about what people think (but not strangers or people who hates me. People whom I hate, i care jugak la what they think :P ) then you are in BIG TROUBLE.
Starting of the school year, you'll be too awkward and malu to say "Hi." to your acquaintainces or people who are more populer-er than you (I do not know how tafack to spell acquaintances) because you think that they'll think you gedik and perasan you kenal dorang. And if you DO naikkan semangat and say "Hi." there's a slight possibility they would say "Siapa tu?" to their friend and that would embarass you like hell or they turn to look the other way or just purposely buat2 tak dengar.

Yeah, I've been there done that and will do it this coming school year.


Psst. Just so you know, I'm using a pseudonym.

This blog is about random things that are in my brilliant mind and stuff that I wanna bitch about. I do agree that I kinda got this idea from Miriam Omar, but just so you know I AM NO COPYCAT.
I like her idea (Miriam You. Are. Genius.) and I used it. Also this blog is part twitter, tumblr, youtube and facebook. I can 'tweet' stuff that are too long for twitter, reblog stuff from other people's blog (It's not copycat-ing, it's reblogging mind you) , comment on a favorite/controversial video and 'like' stuff.

And also I sedarr I am a hipokrit blabbering about 'I hate the part of the blog where you need to introduce yourself .. yadayada' at the beginning of the blog, and yet here we are blabbering about myself and the purpose of this blog.
BUT at least it's at the end of the post kan? ;)

ta peeps.

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