
I nak pergi US of the A this coming year bulan February, so jangan jealous .. sangat .. hehehh

I've saved up like $205 but I feel macam tak cukup, maybe possibly $400 okay la kot kan haha. The last time I went there macam tak best sangat shopping, but that was mainly because I was super sick and like 3/4 of my family pon sakit jugak and we didn't enjoy it very much. Also the cekik darah doktor kat sana charged us up to like RM1000 which is very cekik darah. -__-"

But anyways anyways, my harapan for this upcoming trip is to keep my expectations as low as possible so thatI won't get too dissapointed. Hmm, also kalau boleh kan mintak2 la kali ni dapat jumpa celebrity. Any celebrity would do actually, walaupun if you're just an extra IN a movie I don't mind, really. (: Dan menangkap gambar hot guys, Dan pergi Knotsberry Farm which I thought was lame masa the last time tapi sebenarnya best. Ada satu episode Gene Simmon's Family Jewels, Nick Simmons pegi Knotsberry Farm dengan girlfriend dia DUA ORANG. Jangan marah hahah.

ANDD THE MAIN CHARACTER OF KNOTSBERRY FARM IS SNOOPY !! HOW FUCKEN EPICC IS THATT :D That's even more epic than Mickey Mouse like dude, this character can't even talk and he demands attention.


Christmas is not christmas kalau tak de CHRISTMAS SHOPPING kan?! :D

Sebelum anda2 sekalian pergi bershopping di mall2 berdekatan dengan anda, Sila pastikan anak2 anda tidak ditinggalkan dan tersesat di dalam mall yang teramat besar tersebut kerana mereka boleh diculik (oleh saya, mwaha) , atau menangis teresak2 kerana nakkan "Mummy ..." mereka. Budak2 tersebut sangat annoying dan saya tidak mengambil berat hal ehwal dorang so eff off. Saya berharap sangat orang Malaysia pada satu kali ini sahaja tidak bersikap 'Good Samaritan' kerana walaupun situasi ini nampak sedih tetapi restrain yourself from helping the kid. Yes, I know I'm a sadist, what are you gonna do about it ? And apparently when I'm mad, I talk in full-on melayu. Huh, weirdo .. )

And speaking about presents, I always have this dilemma of when you bought something for your friend for his/her birthday present or for any-other-occation present, I end up buying them another one. Why? Sebab I liked the present i want their present so much that I convinced myself to keep it because it looks better on me or some sheet like dat. It's really frustrating sometimes ya' know.


I'm admitting that I watch Dyesebel every Monday to Wednesday and I almost always miss Royal Pains and Castle which almost always saddens me :'( Dyesebel has one of the most mother fucken physically attractive cast I have ever seen like in any tvshow/movie ever. Even the guy who played a fucken GUARD was hott. Macam tak percaya kan. Huh.

Watched Coco Avant Chanel , The Cetak Rompak Version. It was nice to say the least. Not a groundbreaking movie but it was nice. And surprisingly it was terang because I bought it from a new Fake DVD store because my old faithful one kena tutup seblab ada raid rasanya and I was sad the whole day when I found out about it. I know, gle pyscho dan emo perempuan ni, heh you only know me sikit je tu :P

My mom recently bought the whole Twilight Saga Books and I still won't read it. I think it's because it's too long and I already know the plot anyways so there's no way to surprise me with these books. Well, I bid my mom good luck with the books and may you not crumble intoa million pieces because it's too damn boring. I'm current reading Fake Boyfriend AND FAKE BOYFRIEND SUCKS BIGTIME. NOT FUCKEN RECOMMENDED. MEGAN MEADE AND BAD KITTY FOREVA !


I'm beginning to love this blog more and more. I can write whatever I want, in this style of 'tak kisah what smart ass people might think of Manglish but what the hell, damned them to hell' BWAHAH.

Eat fruit, menghalang constipation.


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